
Tuesday, September 30, 2003


In case you were wondering, that upside-down exclamation point is technically known as an "upside-down exclamation point". Or "inverted exclamation point" if you want to sound hoity-toity. Or "principio de exclamación o admiración" if you want to sound long-winded and spanish. They (and inverted question marks) seem to be required in Spanish, but optional in Catalan. And you don't even have to surround the whole sentence -- as shown in these useful examples:

Vas al supermercado, ¿no? (You're going to the supermarket, aren't you?)
No va ¡maldito sea! (He's not going, darn it!)

and if you feel your sentence deserves both, just use one at the beginning and one at the end.

¡Qué lástima, estás bien? (What a pity, are you all right?!)

¡So much fun! And all you have to do (in Word, anyways) is hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift while you type the regular ! or ? The codes behind the inverted exclamation mark are:

ASCII Code: 161
HTML Entity Number: &#161;
HTML Entity Name: &iexcl;

Haven't located the codes for el principio de interrogación... will update when i have the time

1:15pm -- edited to add:

Codes for inverted question mark are:

ASCII Code: 191
HTML Entity Number: &#191;
HTML Entity Name: &iquest;


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