
Sunday, December 21, 2003

Pet Peeve revisited 

Just needed to point to another article about audiences' propensity to give standing ovations. My favorite quote from it notes that Shakespearean audiences stood thru the whole show: "Maybe when they really liked something, they sat down."

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Monday, December 15, 2003

TTT - my reactions to the extension 

Summary: i still like it; not sure that the original release wasn't better; am now more than ready to see ROTK! Middle Earth, here i come!

The new Boromir scenes, aside from giving me an extra chance to drool over Sean Bean, actually really helped with the Faramir scenes. before i had wondered about his seemingly abrupt change of heart; now, having seen evidence that he was basically a good guy with a lousy father, it felt more like he was reverting to form rather than suddenly holding a new position. so that addition was all to the good. plus it inspired me to watch two Sharpe movies yesterday for some extra Sean-appreciation, and there's nothing wrong with that!

i find myself in the strange position of not really appreciating the extra screen time they gave to Eowyn. i feel like making her all lovelorn over aragorn took away from the fiestiness of her character. maybe this is just my aversion to "kissing movies" (tm Princess Bride), but i liked her better when there was less of her. [see, Christopher Lee -- sometimes it's better when you have less screen time!] i have to admit tho, that finding out that Aragorn is 87 does give more support to why he, of all people, should be such a force in the war.

i'm not certain, but i think there were more dwarf jokes in the extended version. I thought there were too many in the original cut. sigh.

I enjoyed Pippin more this time round -- probably because i saw Billy Boyd in Master & Commander in the meantime and have decided he's a decent actor; Pippin is still a fairly useless character. I have to agree with Tom B's assessment of pipeweed -- from the hobbits' reactions, this stuff has got to be closer to marajuana than tobacco. [grin]

that scene where Legolas swings himself up onto a running horse? still incredibly awesome. i knew it was coming and still couldn't stop myself from cheering.

overall, while i can see why the extra bits are good and useful and pretty durn satisfying, i can also see why they were cut. the pacing was just slightly off, whereas i remember the original cut being a fast-paced whirlwind.

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Friday, December 12, 2003

I'm surprised that i've never wondered about this before 

"Ramada", in espanol, means "an open shelter roofed with branches". Suddenly the name choice for Ramada Inn makes so much more sense.

Now i'm just stuck proving my theory that Tage Inn is the german verson of Days Inn. If i only knew how they pronounced it...

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La la la... 

Am i the only one who finds themselves humming along with the ATM as it spits out my money? i've almost gotten to the point of internalizing the starting note, as well as the relative pitches.

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