Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Wherein I make up for 2 months of silence
An abundance of riches! A plethora of intriguing sites!
Getting ready for Halloween? Feeling a little tentative about your carving techniques? Try out your designs before touching a knife.
The Dynamic Einstein Picture Generator. There is no end to the joy this can create. well, not until you crash the site. (thanks to snideclown for this one)
They claim it is useful. I'm not so sure. But it is a fun interface for browsing graphic novels, at least for a minute or two.
I suspect there's a few hidden gems on here. But I don't have QuickTime installed at work, and I refuse to download iTunes just to get the QuickTime plugin. So the verification that this has the best ads on tv will have to wait til a later time.
Who'da thought that the Amish would have a FAQ? No, it's not a joke site, and apparently the answers come from honest-to-goodness Amish. i suspect they didn't type in the answers themselves tho.
The Morning News has compiled a list of one star Amazon reviews of the top 100 novels since 1923 according to Time Magazine. Go forth and giggle!
Take a break from shaking your head over the Intelligent Design trial and enjoy Paul Rucker's reimagining of Genesis.
Dictionaries are not to be trusted. But it's for a good cause.
Site Feed
Love that dictionary link. very funny.
btw, the one star amazon review link does not work :-(
By MiniLaura, at 26 October, 2005 13:50
it does now!
(thanks for catching that -- too many links, not enough attention to detail!)
By Stoat, at 26 October, 2005 13:57